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Lidl mini pedal review


Review & test of the Lidl Mini Pedalboard Mobility exercise device.

The product works well and takes up little space and is easy to move.

The price is right. Good machine for muscle strengthening for the legs. Ideal when you have limited space at home. Ideal for less active elderly people. This is sufficient for home rehabilitation. Brake control isn't great It's best to place it in front of a solid object so it doesn't slide  ,The resistance is very difficult to adjust buy at Lidl 24.99 euros

There is a digital counter for time and laps, a display of speed and calories burned

You can also adjust the training intensity

It is also equipped with non-slip feet which are not too great because sometimes it  slips.

Easy assembly thanks to tool-free folding mechanism with safety catch

The folding mechanism allows for space-saving storage

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Membre depuis 1 year ago
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Lidl mini pedal review 1 Commentaire

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